Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Harrison Heritage News for January (Vol. 18, No. 1) has arrived!


I just got my hardcopy in the mail yesterday and so everybody, every member that is, should be seeing their own copy of the first issue of the Harrison Heritage News for 2017 in real and virtual mailboxes pretty soon.

What do the five sheets of paper hold for the subscriber this month?  Well, there is ...


This month's issue features an article about Ashford Acres, formerly the Owen House, now a B&B out on Millersburg Pike.  John Hicks has put together a nice and very informative article about the home's history, and, in addition, has provided a package of beautiful pictures to fill out the cover page and pages five and six.  The home has its own website (, along with its own Facebook and Twitter pages.  So there is plenty more to look at when you finish reading the article.

Page four is about ice skating in the olden days of more than a century ago, when one could use the frozen waterways of Harrison County as icy roads on which to travel the county.  Can you imagine that?  Quite remarkable.


Mary Grable, Vice-President of the Cynthiana-Harrison County Trust, Inc. (aka the museum), wrote a nice piece about honoring three of Harrison County's own:  Herby Moore, Martha Barnes, and the late George Slade.  They will be presented with the "Everyday Heroes of the Cynthiana-Harrison County Trust, Inc. Award."  The award is for their service to the museum over the many years (Dare I say two centuries?), not to mention for the fact that they were among the founding fathers and mothers of what might be called "Cynthiana's attic."

The presentation will be made this Saturday, January 28, at the library's public meeting room, following a talk by Steve Flairty.  Steve is the author of a series of books, Kentucky's Everyday Heroes: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, a series which has featured the museum's own Harold Slade in the past.


The annual dues are due, and, for your convenience, a form has been provided with this issue.  Nothing will be lost by using it, for the backside has been left blank.  You can only win by sending it in (along with a check or money order), so that even more issues will continue working their way into your mailbox or email inbox for the next eleven months!

And speaking of the months of the year, this year's calendar of historical society meetings is included (No pictures of pin-up girls included, just one of a guy named Joe B. Hall).  Stick the calendar on your refrigerator door, or maybe better yet, pin it to the inside of your front door, so that when you leave the house you will be sure to see that you aren't missing another interesting presentation offered by the Harrison County Historical Society (On the fourth Thursday of every month except December thru February)!

Your January newsletter will look something like the following image ... only a lot bigger ... and, as usual, if delivered via USPS, in an envelope!  ;-)

P.S.  If you should find yourself in need of another membership form, and the society sincerely hopes that you do, you can always find one here ... when I can update the link. ;-)

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